Becky Balestri
Having taken a break from congregational ministry to work for a foundation, I am delighted to be back serving a church, especially Faith Church. My ministry focuses on creative worship, warm hospitality, education and mission. I am also a mom and grandma, and enjoy time with family. My interests include movies, reading, gardening, and knitting.
Having taken a break from congregational ministry to work for a foundation, I am delighted to be back serving a church, especially Faith Church. My ministry focuses on creative worship, warm hospitality, education and mission. I am also a mom and grandma, and enjoy time with family. My interests include movies, reading, gardening, and knitting.
Ranae Overton
Office Manager
I am most likely the first person you will see when you come into the office. I am here to answer questions you may have Faith Presbyterian Church and about reserving space for both church-sponsored and private events. I also record attendance patterns and giving information. You can reach me by email at [email protected] or at 402-331-6944.
I am most likely the first person you will see when you come into the office. I am here to answer questions you may have Faith Presbyterian Church and about reserving space for both church-sponsored and private events. I also record attendance patterns and giving information. You can reach me by email at [email protected] or at 402-331-6944.
Peggy Wagoner
Director of Handbell Choir and ChoirChimes
It is my pleasure to work with everyone providing music for worship each Sunday. We have musical groups for all ages, both vocal and instrumental, a handbell and ChoirChime choir. If you have any questions concerning the music ministry at Faith Church, please contact me at [email protected]
It is my pleasure to work with everyone providing music for worship each Sunday. We have musical groups for all ages, both vocal and instrumental, a handbell and ChoirChime choir. If you have any questions concerning the music ministry at Faith Church, please contact me at [email protected]
Mary Ann Stevens
As church organist for over 50 years, I provide classical to contemporary music on pipe organ, acoustic piano or keyboard for worship services, weddings, funerals and other special services. I also accompany Chancel Choir.
As church organist for over 50 years, I provide classical to contemporary music on pipe organ, acoustic piano or keyboard for worship services, weddings, funerals and other special services. I also accompany Chancel Choir.
Debbie Eggers
Director of the Chancel Choir
Hi! I direct the Chancel Choir, which is composed of young & not so young adults : ) I am blessed to lead these talented singers as we rehearse and praise God using His gifts of music. We also have a lot of fun and enjoy Christian Fellowship during our time together. Chancel Choir rehearses in the Choir Room downstairs on Wednesdays at 7:30pm. There’s always room for another singer! Come join us, we’re singing in services through Pentecost.
Hi! I direct the Chancel Choir, which is composed of young & not so young adults : ) I am blessed to lead these talented singers as we rehearse and praise God using His gifts of music. We also have a lot of fun and enjoy Christian Fellowship during our time together. Chancel Choir rehearses in the Choir Room downstairs on Wednesdays at 7:30pm. There’s always room for another singer! Come join us, we’re singing in services through Pentecost.
John O'Brien
Praise Team Coordinator
I have the privilege of working with many talented and gifted people as I lead several praise teams at Faith. I have always loved music and this gives me a way to use the talents He gave me to honor our loving God and Jesus.
I have the privilege of working with many talented and gifted people as I lead several praise teams at Faith. I have always loved music and this gives me a way to use the talents He gave me to honor our loving God and Jesus.
Steve Bottorff
Media Team Coordinator
I advise and coordinate the staff media needs for Worship Services, Weddings and Funerals. If you have a question please contact me at: [email protected]
I advise and coordinate the staff media needs for Worship Services, Weddings and Funerals. If you have a question please contact me at: [email protected]